Alberta Education Annual Survey

Alberta Education’s annual survey is happening from February to March 2025 for parents/guardians and students in our school from Grades 4 - 6.
By completing the survey, you are helping both Alberta Education and your local school authority identify areas of strength and areas for improvement. When the results are in, Alberta Education sends them to school authorities, who in turn share them with their local school community and use them to inform their annual education plans.
Parent / Guardian Survey
- Surveys are confidential
- Parents receive unique access codes to complete online
- Paper copies available upon request
- Parents can skip questions for any reason and may opt out of the survey at any point.
Student Survey
- Like their parents or guardians, students are provided
with a random access code to log in and complete the
survey confidentially in their homeroom. - Students can skip questions for any reason and may opt
out of the survey at any point.
Deadline: March 21, 2025
Check your school’s communication for details, or visit for more info or to complete the survey!