2024 & 2025 Kindergarten

Kindergarten registration 24/25

2024/2025 Kindergarten Calendar 2024/2025 ECS Calendar

2024 /2025 Kindergarten Program

Our Kindergarten program offers two programs: full day Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday and scheduled Fridays. Programs are available first come, first serve. Please note each class receives the same programming hours. 

Children must be five (5) years old of age by December 31/24 to be eligible for Kindergarten. A copy of your child's birth certificate is required.


You can start the registration process with the link below, but before you begin:

  • Have your supporting documents (ex. Birth certificate) easy to access prior to beginning the registration process. Birth Certificates: All parents/guardians are required to present legal proof of a student’s name, citizenship and birth date when a child is registered in school.  If a student was born outside of Canada, official documents from that country must be presented.  As we are required by Alberta Education to have these documents for all students, you are required to provide them.
  • Once you are in the SchoolEngage system, please pick the correct program and year registration form as there are multiple available. *Once complete please ensure the scans of the Registration Form and birth certificate are bright and high resolution. Scans that are grainy or taken in low-light will be refused when we upload to our Student Information System.